Monday, July 16, 2012

Hilarity Ensues ~or~ Permission to Dazzle: Granted!

It is no secret to anyone who knows me that I work nearly incessantly. I’m up at all hours, and nearly all of those engaged in one or another of my professions. Only husband, pets, or books (or, occasionally, sleep) can conjure sufficient draw anymore to pull me away from my labors. And while my jobs are work, in many ways, they aren’t. I do what I love. And even money hasn’t been enough to tarnish the luster of my fondness for the things I do to put a roof over my head. If there is another path to bliss, I’m unaware of it.

One of my most especial joys is my students. Martial Artistry attracts the most creative, intelligent, generous, open-minded and fun-loving people in New Mexico. House of Flying Squirrels has been the perfect venue for them to apply their many and varied talents. Every Movie Stunt Class, every filming session has been full of fun and engagement, with ideas springboarding off one another in a veritable Cirque de Soleil of invention.

The important thing is to encourage students to see everything as an opportunity:  to explore an idea; to tell a story; to generate a smile.

Our kung fu school in Albuquerque has really great floors: two inch thick, carpet bonded EVA foam. We have 2x4s to hold it in place down the 65 foot length facing the door. Over time, some of the 2x4s have twisted, making the surface a toe-stubbing hazard. I’m not sure who first realized the photo op created by Mr. Baker’s adzing them even, but, hilarity ensued.

“We should have the squirrels chewing the boards!”

“It looks like James is kissing M!”
"Oh, 00Squirrel! Behave!"

“Uh-oh! Wait until Princess Ai Chu finds out!”
"James! How could you?"

See what I mean by springboard? The ideas came faster than we could shoot.

This is raw video. Once we finish editing it, adding sound effects, music, dialogue, it will no doubt make another hilarious outtake -- all thanks to one student's initial, "what if?".

Until next time, happy movie-making!


  1. We have a wonderful role model who inspires us to do so, Sifu! ;)

  2. You lot have discovered the power of "What if?". My work here is done.
