Friday, June 29, 2012

Friday Film Making Finds:

Cool film-making find for June 29, 2012

Whether it's the smacks, cracks and thuds of a fight scene --

-- or the high-pitched laughter of a heartily amused flying squirrel --

-- you've just gotta have sound effects! While there are lots of places that offer royalty-free sound effects for just a few bucks a pop, the fact is that with $5 here and $8 there, those bucks can add up quickly into a great deal more than an amateur movie-maker can afford.  Enter -- a great place to get creative commons, attribution and attribution non-commercial sounds. From explosions to whooshes to the wah-wah-wah-wah of the sad trombone, more auditory goodies than you can shake a stick at are all to be had either entirely for free, or for nothing more than the "cost" of an attribution.

Happy filming!


  1. ROCKS! Like them on Facebook and show your support!

    Sifu, your choices are spot on! It sounds fantastic! And remember, if you need any sounds tweaked, cleaned up or otherwise manipulated, have sound program will travel and be happy to show you how to use it too!
